Circuit Wave Consulting Services



Providing an outstanding shopping experience while increasing sales and protecting profits is always a balancing act for retailers. The right data and analytic solutions can ensure customers are interacting with your business in the best way possible. Key components of a business analytics retail solution include increasing profitability and revenue, margin management, price and inventory optimization, and improved customer loyalty.


Business analytics for healthcare enables organizations to achieve greater efficiency within their operations, collaborate to improve outcomes, and integrate with new partners for a more sustainable, personalized and patient-centric system focused on value. Some of these benefits include reduced operating and processing costs, increased doctor and patient collaboration, improved hospital diagnosis time and treatment pattern analysis, and creation of recovery tracking and patient alert systems.

information technology

The spurt in data volumes is putting pressure on existing networks to manage data traffic, increase speeds, and expand capacity. Additionally, network functionalities are being virtualized. While newer technologies, are being developed to address these challenges, traditional telecom equipment vendors need to engineer TExplore IT networks that can deliver multi-faceted services while integrating with current ecosystems.

oil & gas

With a reputation built on innovation, quality, reliability and sustainability, we provide a range of end-to-end services that can turn any design concept or site plan into reality. As an ISO certified company, we have the resources, capability, and commitment to deliver a variety of projects including infrastructure, underground utilities, district cooling, marine works, dams, bulk earthworks and grading, and MEP.


We have in depth experience working with traditional as well as emerging “FinTech” companies. Our experience in understanding how technology is changing the face of banking and financial service organizations has helped us deliver innovative solutions that help our customers not only survive but thrive technology diven practices for reporting, consolidate individual bank/credit union’s plans together for increased visibility, leverage data to adjust strategy based on market realities and consumer experience needs, and enterprise risk management.

public sector

Public sector organizations are facing budget pressure, citizen demands, staff shortages and economic competition. By aggregating data from legacy ERP, public records, HRIS, and other mission-critical tools into a single budgeting and performance platform – it accelerates data-driven decisions. Realize benefits such as less time spent on budget and reporting, fewer information requests from constituent stakeholders, trend identifications to improve forecast accuracy, and budget freed for re-allocation.

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